Udayavar Sreeman Ramanujar stayed here in Thiruvellarai and explained about Sree Vaishnavam and made it expand. Vedhanda Desihar in his Hamsa Sandesam has done Mangalaasasanam. In front of the big pillar here in this temple, when we make any sound, it replicates and echo around the temple. Because of this, paasurams in Divyapprabhandhams are hymned for 2 or 3 times. Temple pushkarini worshipped as "Swastik Tank" here, the unique and amazing fact is that, people taking bath in one side can not be seen by the people on other sides which illustrates the greatness of the Architecture. The Basics of Uthrayanam and Dhaksinayanam - Like most of the Vishnu Temples, There are two entrances here in Thiruvellarai Divaydesam to enter into the Karpagraham worshipped as Moolasthanam as Utharayana Vaasal and Dhakshanayana Vaasal. The period known as Uthrayanam - From Jan 15 to June 15, the way opened to be used is Utharayanya Vaasal and the remaining period from June 16 to Jan 14 is known as Dhaksinayanam and for this period the way Dhakshanaya Vaasal will be opened for dharshan. When one Vaasal is opened the other remains closed.
We are not suppose to do any good activities in the period of Dhakshinayana Kaalam and all good things like marriages should be done only in the Uthirayanam Period. But if ncessary the activities can also be done in Dhakshinayanam and by worshpping Lord Suriya Narayanar and to start the activity, the work will be completed successfully. Lord Maha Vishnu is also worshipped as Maayavan at the end of Dhakshinayanam - Margazhi 15th is named as "Thai Maatha Naayagan", Tamil month of Thai - Jan 14th. An explanation is there for the same. In the human life, there are two separate entrances, that is entering to the life and getting out of it is the other. In both when entering in to the life and getting out of it, he could be able to feel the presence of Paramaathma. To make to understand this, HE resembles himself as Suriya Narayananar in the state of Utharayana Period and as Govindan at the end of Dhakshinayana Period, the end of Maargazhi. The Dhakshinayana Vaasal is the entrance which leads to death and it is the place of Yama Darman, the King of Hell. The Uthirayana Vaasal, which is the way that all the Jeevathmas enter into the world as an human and non human beings, is the place of Lord Guberan, who is the God of wealth. It does not matter whether the person is rich or very poor. If he does good activities throughout his life, then only he/she can lead towards the Almighty. |
Being good hearted and do Proper Karmas only will make every one to attain the Heaven. To explain this only, there are two entrances ( vaasals ) in the temples. The sun is revolving round the Earth is at the same time it is revolving himself. Emperumaan himself as Suriya Bhaghvan revolves round the universe and He flashes His rays to make all things live. From His rays, nothing can escape. Sri Pundarikaksha Perumal, Sreedevi, Bhoomi Piratti, Suriyan, Chandiran and Aadisheshan can be dharshaned and resembles as humans here in the Sanctum Sanctorum. Thiruvellarai is the birth place of Vishnu Chithar, who completed "Sreebashyam" hence he was admired and called as "Engalaazhvan" by the Almighty himself. Engalaazhvan has written the great "Nadaa Thooram Aalukku Oppatra Pungai Maalai". Nadaathoramaal means a devotee who is having his entire devotion on the Almighty. The name which has been given Engalaazhvan as "Nadaathooramaal" has a very special story. Every day he used to give milk to Emperumaan. Thinking milk may be hot, he makes it cold by blowing air through his mouth and offers to Emperumaan. On the action of Engalaazhvan as His mother and calls him as "Nadaathoorammaal". Thiruvellarai Divyadesam dates back to Srirangam hence it is also worshipped as "Adi Thiruvellarai" and the vimanam is worshipped as "Vimalakruthi Vimanam". The temple pushkarini "Swastik Tank" has an unique and amazing fact. People taking bath in one side can not be seen by the people bathing on other sides which illustrates the greatness of the Architecture. |